Ahmad Aburob
2022 People's Choice Award Winner for 'Middle Eastern Social Media Star.

Ahmad Aburob is a Jordanian content creator who embarked on his content creation journey in 2018 due to his deep passion for YouTube and content production in general. Little did he anticipate that by 2023, he would amass more than 16 million followers across various social media platforms. Ahmad Aburob is a versatile influencer and content creator, renowned for his captivating presence on Instagram and YouTube. Armed with a fervor for enthralling storytelling and a natural charisma, Ahmad has cultivated a dedicated fan base eagerly anticipating his latest adventures and insights. Ahmad Aburob has received numerous nominations and accolades for the content he shares with his audience. One of his recent achievements was winning the "People's Choice Awards," an annual event hosted by CBS.


Speaker Sessions

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